Isaac Clayton · Boston, Massachusetts

A friend of free software, pushing bits around as an undergrad at MIT. Interested in compilers, display hacks, and AI (as one must be in 2024).

A trail weaving through the mountains on a cold spring day

I started programming in 2013 ( ♡). In 2015, I learned Python when my uncle told me it was easier to write neural networks if you didn’t … uh … hardcode the matrix multiplication routines.

In 2017, I became obsessed with shaders and GPUs (thank you, Iñigo Quilez). In 2019, I learned Rust to develop a compiler for Passerine. I keep a blog.

In 2021, I was a software engineering intern at, where I prototyped real-time depth estimation on the GPU. In 2022, I interned at, where I developed a webassembly extension runtime for e.g. adding new languages to the editor.

From July 2022 to July 2024, I decided to not use the Internet for two years, to complete an anime-style time-skip training arc. That training arc is now complete. (Also, after two years offline, the Internet sucks.)

I love making art and taking photos! I have played basketball on 4 of 7 continents to date. I enjoy hiking with my family and skiing with my Dad. Também falo português, meu rei. Y español.

Let’s chat! I’m easily reachable via:

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For a full list of my accounts, keypairs, and domains, check elsewhere.