Intelligence and the importance of consistency

2024-08-13 · About 14 minutes long

Note: This post was published before the release of o1 on 2024-9-12.

People are quick to point out that Large Language Models (LLMs) tend to hallucinate facts and lack the ability to reason. LLMs are not grounded in reality. Hallucination is an architectural limitation due to how Transformers, as auto-regressive sequence predictors, are constructed.

It has been shown that larger models hallucinate less. However, these improvements are due to extracting additional reasoning patterns from a larger or more informationally dense training corpus, and not due to improved reasoning over constraints, search, or backtracking.

If we hope to scale a LLM beyond human intelligence, it will be required to generate training data that is both self-consistent and contains new information. This requirement is at odds with the linear nature of auto-regressive sequence predictors.

Intelligence as Search

When finding a proof for a mathematical theorem, we often translate a theorem into a language composed of axioms capable of expressing the theorem. Mechanistically, we can compare finding a proof of such a theorem to searching the tree of all possible logical reduction steps for a solution. Like a game of chess, the further we search, the more likely we are to find a valid proof. Likewise, there will always be some branches of the proof-tree that will never result in a valid proof of the theorem. We would like to prioritize taking reduction steps that are likely to bring us closer to the solution.

Intelligence as learning

One way to prioritize reduction steps is to do what has been done in the past for similarly-shaped problems. For example, when proving a geometry theorem, it is sometimes necessary to construct additional points that make future reductions possible. The exact point required may be one among many, but if we have an intuition as to which approaches are possible, we can prioritize constructing the points we know will take us in this direction.

Transformers as auto-regressive sequence predictors are very good at showing which reduction steps are probable given the line of reasoning so far. However, randomly sampling the top-N choices for the next reduction step discards important information about the structure of the problem: we may end up accidentally taking a step that will lead us down a branch that will never result in a valid proof. The better our model is, the less likely we are to sample incorrect branches. However, once we have sampled an incorrect branch, there is no way to go back and fix our error when unable to resolve constraints later on.

We need, in a sense, both search and learning: search to explore the entire state-space for valid solutions, and learning to more effectively prioritize and navigate that state-space. Transformers that sample one token at a time are highly effective learners but highly ineffective searchers: they search in a straight line and don’t stop when they are wrong. This ungrounded approach to sequence modeling will always lead to violated constraints and hallucinations for sufficiently complex problems.

Hints at a better architecture

Each forward inference pass of a transformer uses a fixed amount of compute, per token. It has been observed that telling a Transformer to generate a longer response and summarize at the end, or to think step-by-step, can improve the quality of reasoning. This allows the Transformer to make smaller logical inferences that are more likely to be correct, and to self-correct potentially incorrect assumptions. This, while seemingly an ad-hoc crutch, hints at a solution.

Training on edits, not just insertions

The ability to think step-by-step and self-correct are not properties of LLMs in general, but are emergent behaviors of having been trained on many traces of human reasoning. When a human writes some text they rarely write it from start to finish, but revise, prune, and improve the text, until the document both contains new information and is self-consistent.

A company like Google could, for example, train an LLM to predict insertions and deletions using, for example, the edit history of Google Docs, or the different revisions of the many branches of the Google3 codebase. These examples of editing would provide more examples of human reasoning over time; allowing a model to delete generated text may allow it to emulate backtracking and revision. A model with the ability to revise would likely hallucinate less than models of the same size trained purely on final documents or codebases.

Random editing is not reasoning

However, notice that we have still kicked the problem up a level. To generate a history of edits, we still randomly sample the top-N most likely edits, auto-regressively. While an individual final document may show reasoning and avoid hallucinations, the edit history of such a document is vulnerable to the same problems of hallucinations and the selection of non-optimal edits. How do we resolve this problem at an architectural level, instead of simply pushing the problem up a level and requiring more human-curated training data?

Reasoning is resolving constraints

The fundamental idea is that we would like to include some way for the model to reason about constraints and backtrack when constraints are violated, much like the way a logical language like prolog or miniKanren seeks to unify queries with facts about the world. To be clear, this will not look like embedding a prolog interpreter in an LLM, as fun as that may be. Instead, it may look like giving an LLM more time to compute before generating a token, or allowing an LLM to generate a branching tree of responses, prune branches that are not self-consistent, propagate this information to other branches, and sample the best completion.

In some sense, intelligence requires agency, or the ability to imagine the consequences of choices, and act on those imagined consequences. A large language model can act on pre-imagined consequences generalized from its training corpus, but it lacks the grounding to discover new consequences for itself, which it can remember in the future.

How to identify constraints?

The largest problem facing adding search to existing architectures is the question of how to train them. For a closed, well-defined problem like sudoku, we can train a model to recognize constraint violations: when two digits are present in the same row, column, or box. However, recognizing when the constraints of the real world are violated is not as simple. In the most extreme case, checking constraint violations requires performing experiments against the real world, or accurate models of the world. There is hope that a multi-modal model with backtracking trained on both text generation and sudoku-like puzzles may learn to generalize the concept of constraint violation. In the general case, though, how to infer an accurate simulation of the universe given a bounded corpus of internet text is an open problem.

Diffusion models also violate constraints

An alternative approach to consider is the approach taken by diffusion models. Diffusion models start with a noisy image, and progressively remove small amounts of noise to obtain an image similar to those present in the training distribution. This sampling can be guided with an embedded prior, to sample, for example, descriptions of cats, landscapes, and so on.

Diffusion models, however, are also susceptible to constraint violations and are bad at spatial reasoning. You may ask for a blue cube on top of a red sphere and receive a red cube beneath a blue sphere. This is because the diffusion process, like transformers, is linear. Once an image is mostly denoised, a diffusion model is not able to swap the positions or colors of the sphere and the cube, nor return to an earlier diffusion step before the shapes and the colors of the objects were fixed.

Unlike autoregressive modeling, which proceeds linearly across the output, under diffusion, the entire output is available at each inference step. This output may be easier to check for constraint violations. Diffusion might be amenable to something along the lines of a beam search through latent space.

For example, standard text-guided diffusion models may be able to recognize constraint violations by comparing predicted descriptions of a scene to the actual guidance vector?

How to learn constraints from training data

Learning constraints is the process of determining the global invariants of the output distribution, and preventing outputs composed of local samples from creating an output that violates global invariants. This can be illustrated by the following problem:

Given a static offline dataset of images of fully-solved sudoku puzzles, how could you train a diffusion model that can sample novel solved sudoku puzzles, without encoding any knowledge about sudoku itself into the model? In other words, how do you teach a model to recognize global constraints present in the training data, without specifying what they are?

The above research problem is hard, and it’s what the best minds are currently working on. I’m not going to attempt to hint at an answer here, as there are a lot of potential approaches, and I don’t want to sell any individual approach that I am aware of as the solution. However, I would like to take a second to discuss the implications of a model architecture that solves this problem.

The Holy Grail of AI capabilities research

What we want is self-improvement through self-consistent training data: in other words, a linearly-scalable model that can generate additional self-consistent training data, which can be fed into a new model of the same architecture, scaled up larger.

A language model sampled by selecting the most likely token will not generate informationally-richer training data. You need an external process that prunes generations: training a model on its most likely output will simply reinforce existing distributions and make it go off the rails.

On the other hand, consider a language model sampled by selecting the best token for self-consistent generation through search. This generation will contain new information. Specifically, that the chosen token should be prioritized more in the given context. Returning to the duals of search and learning, self-consistent searches provide new data for models to improve at learning.

Learning from nothing

Let’s return to the example of generating mathematical proofs for theorems: by generating new self-consistent training data, it might be possible to train a theorem-proving model from scratch without any external training data.

We could start by enumerating all possible theorems in a language of axioms, ordered by complexity. Using a randomly initialized Transformer and an interleaving search of theorems, sample branches from the proof tree of each theorem, weighed by the probability of given by the Transformer, until a proof of any theorem is found (this is equivalent to a randomly-guided brute-force interleaving search). Take the proven theorem and perform a step of gradient descent using the theorem and its discovered proof, then continue to sample branches of the proof tree with the updated model until another proof is found. As more proofs are discovered, the Transformer should improve at navigating proof-space, even though no human examples of solved proofs were provided.

I believe that multimodal models have something to offer here. Take an LLM trained on an internet corpus and augment the architecture with backtracking. By then adding a multi-modal head and self-training on theorem-proving, sudoku-solving, or programming puzzles, the model may learn to generalize reasoning and backtracking even when generating normal text. This is an experiment worth trying.

Connection to reinforcement learning

Techniques for searching game states have been a part of the reinforcement learning toolkit for a long time. The recent focus on autoregressive LLMs, which are principally trained in using supervised learning, would have been met with skepticism from those deep in the RL ethos in the early 2010s. The reason is simple: supervised learners can never surpass the sum of the best examples they see. When trained on the entirety of the public internet, the sum of the best examples is quite a high bar, but it is a finitely high bar.

LLMs need to adopt more lessons from reinforcement learning. There have been some steps in this direction. For example, the Decision Transformer (DT) shows how the best examples can be elicited from a model trained on a mixture of good and bad examples. (We do this by prompting the DT with the expected remaining reward during training, and then sampling the DT with a high expected reward during inference).

Taking RLHF a step further

There is also RLHF, which poses text generation as an RL problem: which sequence of tokens (actions) can I generate that will give me the highest score (reward) from a human evaluator, at the end of my response? Except instead of using this learned policy as the basis for an AlphaGo-style search of the best sequence of actions to take to generate the best response, we simply use this policy to fine-tune the LLM to be aligned to human preferences, performing no search. This makes economic sense when deployed at scale, but denies the possibility of searching for the best response.

What would RLHF look like with a richer evaluation metric (perhaps multiple scores for consistency, reasoning, whether the final answer is correct, whether the predicted human response after the model response matches what the model expects the human to ask as a follow up, and so on) and deployed with actual search for “the best response”? It remains to be seen.

Increasing compute

Recently, quite a few new chips have been announced that can run large models (70B+) at hundreds of thousands of tokens per second. Many transformers can process tokens in batches, capable of generating multiple responses at once. Naively, it is likely possible to improve reasoning quality by generating thousands of completions for a single prompt, scoring the resulting responses, and taking the best one.

It is potentially possible to improve performance further by reusing computation: generate thousands of completions, but in the process of generation, remove completions that are wrong and backtrack to points of uncertainty. If done correctly, the tree-search for a self-consistent answer can be massively parallelized, and may not be that much more expensive than regular inference.

Before we worry about how any particular architecture may be optimized, we need to find an architecture that works.

A thought on AI safety

Autoregressive LLMs will not take us to full superintelligence, but a model that incorporates both search and learning might. This is one of the most exciting research problems of our time.

Solving the problem of consistency will have a direct impact on AI safety: if human values are modeled as learned constraints that are corrigible and must be satisfied, we can ensure that model outputs do not violate human values. Constraint solving on its own is not enough: if a model can learn the constraints of sudoku from solved sudoku puzzles, we must also have the model learn the constraints of human values from the volition we express. Capabilities and safety must advance lockstep. I believe this to be the clearest path towards safe superintelligence.

A thought on ARC-AGI

Benchmarks like ARC-AGI involve inferring the simplest rule, or drawing program, that describes a visual transformation, then applying that rule to a new context. If we have a language for describing drawing programs, and a series of edit operations to build programs, it might be possible to express the problem of inferring the simplest rule as a constrained diffusion problem, where the constraint is that the diffused program, applied to the example inputs, must produce the target output. I posit that a generalized diffusion architecture capable of generating solved sudoku puzzles from examples may be scaled up and adapted to generate programs that solve ARC-AGI puzzles as well.

Last thoughts

LLMs tend to hallucinate because they are not grounded in reality. This is a direct consequence of the architecture of autoregressive sequence-based transformers. To improve reasoning and eliminate hallucinations, we must invest time in identifying architectures that are capable of generalized constraint solving. To do so, we must figure out how to teach models to learn constraints from training data and consider said constraints during inference. We should take inspiration from the large body of RL research available.