What's up with Haskell's do notation?
2025-01-30 · About 14 minutes long
Managing side effects in pure functional programming languages has always been something of a challenge. Functions in purely functional languages produce outputs solely dependent on their inputs, by definition. Purity makes it easy to reason about functions: because all context is explicit, functions also become easy to break apart and refactor.
The issue, however, with explicit context is that it quickly becomes verbose. Unlike imperative languages, I/O is no longer as simple as a call to print: each function that prints something requires a context to print it in, and must return this context to the function that called it for later use (lest the output be lost).
Like a game of hot potato, this I/O context must be handed up and down the call stack, passing through the hands of every function in between. A task as simple as adding logging to a deep leaf function becomes an immense chore, as every function that calls the leaf function that now performs I/O must accept and return an I/O context.
Practical functional languages—those of the Lisp and ML families—tend to take the easy way out by adding an imperative escape hatch. I/O is special-cased: every function “implicitly” takes a global context in which to print. While practically viable, this solution is inflexible and can get messy when there are many types of side effects that useful programs need to perform.
Personally, I am a fan of the more composable Algebraic Effects approach to handling side effects. While probably deserving an essay in their own right, Algebraic Effects neatly unify dynamically scoped capabilities with the benefits of type system and inference. While definitionally more complex than a language with implicit side effects, in practice, Algebraic Effects are deceptively simple. You can write code as if it were imperative. The compiler keeps track of what effects are used where, threading context as needed, and lowers your imperative-looking code to something functional, pure, and easy to reason about.
I swear this is not a monad tutorial
Another way to manage side effects are through Monads, as exemplified by Haskell et … uh, just Haskell, really. Monads describe a class of types with associated properties that generally make them amenable to modeling side effects.
This is not a monad tutorial, so with complete lack of tact, I’d like to restate that a Monad is, in general, anything that is thenable. Semantically, Monads are quite simple: A Monad is a class of types where the following three operations are available, and obey the so-called Monad Laws (which I describe later):
Return, which wraps a value in the default context.
Then (
), which takes two contexts, and merges them together as if one happened after the other. -
Bind (
), which takes a value in a context, applies a transformation to that value, and produces a new context.
In Haskell we’d define a Monad as:
class Monad m where
return :: a -> m a
(>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
Note that, in Haskell, both then (>>
) and bind
) are defined as infix operators.
There are many different instances of Monads that exist in the wild. A
relatively simple Monad is Maybe
, whose context is whether
or not a value exists. The implementation is not too complex:
-- The value exists or it does not.
data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing
instance Monad Maybe where
-- By default the value exists.
return a = Just a
-- Preserve context and replace value.
(>>) (Just a) b = b
(>>) Nothing _ = Nothing
-- Can only transform existing values.
(>>=) (Just a) f = f a
(>>=) Nothing _ = Nothing
And here’s how you would use return, then (>>
), and bind
) with the Maybe Monad:
return 7 :: Maybe
-- Just 7
Just "Hello" >> Nothing >> Just "Bye"
-- Nothing
Just 7 >>= Just . (+) 2
-- Just 9
These allow us to chain together monadic operations.
Note that in the last example, the context wrapping the value 7
preserved (e.g. we get Just 9
). If we were to use
instead, we would get Nothing
Nothing >>= Just . (+) 2
-- Nothing
Because we can’t add two to a value we don’t know!
Now the infix operator syntax for chaining monads is nice, especially when writing point-free code, because we can define these monadic transformations a bit like steps in a pipeline:
get :: AddressBook -> String -> Maybe String
parse_email :: String -> Maybe Email
send_email :: String -> Email -> Maybe Thread
get contacts "Euclid"
>>= parse_email
>>= send_email message
This example is short and reads well, because parse_email
send_email message
are functions with the exact type
signatures we expect at each stage in the pipeline.
Points and legos
Sometimes, however, the lego bricks in our pipeline don’t quite lock together, as we have to adopt a style that uses points. In a point-ful style, we use explicit anonymous functions (i.e. lambdas) to pipe values together. I like to remember that the arrow in a lambda is pointy:
add_two :: Int -> Int
-- Point-free style
add_two = (+) 2
-- Pointed style
add_two = \n -> 2 + n
To demonstrate the increased verbosity of using explicit points with Monadic operations, here is the previous email snippet rewritten in a point-ful style, using lambdas:
get contacts "Euclid"
>>= (\raw_email ->
parse_email raw_email
>>= (\email ->
send_email message email))
Which is, admittedly, quite a lot worse than:
get contacts "Euclid"
>>= parse_email
>>= send_email message
Although Haskell is generally pretty flexible, and provides plenty of tools for wrangling pointed expressions into their equivalent point-free forms, there are times where a pointed style is simpler to understand than the convoluted currying and type wrangling that may be required to enforce a strict point-free style.
Do notation at last
Enter, Haskell’s do notation.
Haskell’s do notation is a compact notation for writing monadic
pipelines: it is powerful syntactic sugar that helps make
composing Monads easier. Here is the previous email snippet
written as a do
raw_email <- get contacts "Euclid"
email <- parse_email raw_email
send_email message email
Which almost reads like imperative code. (This surface-level similarity to straight-line code can be a pitfall for beginners, but more on that later.)
So how does do notation work?
Do notation is syntactic sugar for the standard then (>>
) and bind
) operators. Each line in a do
block is chained with the next using
A monadic operator.
To clarify, let’s look at a simple case with two lines. When we have two simple expressions, one after another, like:
Just "Hello"
This do
expression will desugar to the then (>>
) operator:
Nothing >> Just "Hello"
Which is Nothing
When an line yields a wrapped monadic value, we can use <-
extract the value inside the Monad for use in the rest of the
seven <- Just 7
return (seven + 2)
This <-
desugars to the bind (>>=
) operator and a lambda as
Just 7 >>= (\seven -> return (seven + 2))
Note that an implicit lambda was introduced, wrapping the rest
of the do
expression. This is where the power of the do
expression lies: it allows us to express multiple pointed binds as a
straight-line series of expressions, which eliminates nesting and
becomes easier to read. The context of the previous expression is
transparently carried forward to the next, meaning we don’t have
to write out deeply-nested callbacks. Do notation slices apart
nested monadic transformations at the joints.
Haskell’s do notation is deeply related to with notation in Koka (which does for Algebraic Effects what do notation does for Monads) and use notation in Gleam. How these map to Haskell’s do notation (via the Free Monad) will perhaps be the topic of another post.
When do notation doesn’t… run sequentially
There are, however, a couple of pitfalls, which trap those new
to Haskell. On the surface, do notation looks similar to
imperative code: people coming from imperative languages
gravitate towards using do
in simple cases where an idiomatic
point-free style is more appropriate. Using do
needlessly complicate simple code:
line <- get_line ()
return line
While ostensibly sensible, this do block becomes:
get_line () >> (\line -> return line)
Which is equivalent to:
get_line ()
This is a lot shorter (and point free)!
The second pitfall beginners face is not ever learning about the Monadic operations that underlie do notation. (Which is a pitfall I hope I have addressed in this post.)
To elaborate, do notation is usually used as a shorthand in contexts that require I/O. This tight coupling in presentation may cause beginners to think that do notation is just ‘how one does’ imperative-style I/O in Haskell. In reality, do notation is a much more powerful tool: it can handle any Monad, not just the IO Monad.
Additionally, thinking of do notation as an ‘imperative escape hatch’ is also incorrect and has its pitfalls. Consider the following snippet:
get_line :: () -> IO String
print_line :: String -> IO ()
friend = do
name <- get_line ()
print_line ("Hello, " ++ name)
return name
print_line "Unreachable"
return "Casper the Ghost"
Let’s say you run this snippet, type James
and hit enter. What is
printed, and who ends up as your friend
Adopting an imperative lens, one might think:
First, we store
in thename
variable. Next, we printHello, James
. We then encounterreturn name
right in the middle of ourdo
block: sincereturn
short circuits control flow in most other languages, it must certainly do the same in Haskell, so ourfriend
would be"James"
, and the only output we should see would be that of the first print statement…
We’d actually end up with friend = "Casper the Ghost"
, and we would
see the following as output:
Hello, James
Do notation is just sugar for chaining Monads: it is not
actually imperative code. Unlike other languages, return
not short-circuit control flow: return
is a normal
function like any other:
return :: a -> m a
In the case of IO
, it just wraps a string in an I/O context,
creating an IO String
io_string :: String -> IO String
return = io_string
With these definitions in place, we could desugar the above example as follows:
friend = get_line ()
>>= (\name ->
print_line ("Hello, " ++ name)
>> io_string name
>> print_line "Unreachable"
>> io_string "Casper the Ghost")
As you can see, return name
in the middle reduces to creating an
IO String
that is immediately discarded by the following
Monadic then (>>
). This is very important:
Do notation does not imply sequential imperative evaluation. (This is especially true because Haskell is lazy.)
The Monad Laws at last!
With that it mind, I can finally motivate an
aesthetic presentation of the three Monad Laws using do-notation.
These are rules that then (>>
), bind (>>=
), and return must follow
for an instance of the Monad
typeclass to actually be a monad, mathematically.
(If you break the Monad Laws, the Monad Police will
show up and throw you in Monad Jail where you will labor
on the Monad Assembly Line until all values lost
have been bound then returned to their former state of purity. Ahem.)
Left identity
This: | becomes: |
Right identity
This: | becomes: |
This: | or: | becomes: |
What’s to do has been done
So, to recap:
Side effects in pure functional languages require propagating context, which results in verbose code that is brittle to change. Haskell circumvents this issue with Monads, which are a general way to wrap a value in a context, and chain transformations on a value within a given context.
However, operations on Monads—when written in a pointed
style—can quickly become verbose and nested. Do
notation is a simple syntax for flattening complex
chains of operations, offering a number of advantages over the
traditional then (>>
) and bind (>>=
) syntax.
Those new to Haskell coming from imperative languages often misinterpret the core calculus of do notation and use it overzealously. However, by knowing the Monadic operations that underlie do notation, one can learn when to use it to drastically simplify code.
What’s up with Haskell’s do notation?
So you’ve read a lot about do notation but I still haven’t explained what the big deal is. Apologies. Talk about burying the lede.
Human languages, like English, are typically read in a linear sequence, from beginning to end. Like programming languages, human languages map to parse trees, according to a grammar—or set of rules—and we can ascribe semantic meaning to those trees.
Most human languages favor parse trees that branch in a particular direction. English, for example, is primarily a right-branching language, meaning that right-branching sentences are more common, due to the grammar of the language favoring their construction. A right-branching sentence starts with a subject and is followed by a sequence of modifiers that progressively add more information about the subject. To borrow an image from Wikipedia, after a certain point in a sentence, all subsequent nodes branch right:
Speakers of English are pretty good at processing deeply-nested trees that branch to the right. Reading right-branching sentences doesn’t feel like parsing some complicated grammatical structure. The nesting, while deep, is simple: we always branch to the right. Because the nesting is simple, we can treat the tree almost as a linear sequence: we can ignore the nesting, because it is trivial. I feel like humans are pretty good at communicating ideas by starting with a subject and progressively adding information, as opposed to incrementally constructing some sort of complex tree structure the mind, which is then evaluated.
How is this related to do notation?
Haskell is also a language, and it also maps to parse trees. Parse trees in Haskell, like in English, can lean to the left or to the right. And when chaining operations together, like with Monads, the parse trees can tend to lean pretty far in one direction. Consider, for example, our pointed email-parsing example from earlier:
get contacts "Euclid"
>>= (\raw_email ->
parse_email raw_email
>>= (\email ->
send_email message email))
In case it’s not visible from the intendation, this is a right-branching parse tree!
When we rewrite this expression using do-notation, the code is flattened:
raw_email <- get contacts "Euclid"
email <- parse_email raw_email
send_email message email
This is a lot easier to read,
because humans are pretty good at communicating ideas by starting with a subject
and progressively adding information.
The nesting, of course, is still there,
but the do
keyword keys us in that the parse tree will be leaning to the right.
The nesting, while deep, is simple, so we can ignore it.
If Monads are context, then each line is information added to that context.
By eliminating nesting, it becomes easier to communicate hard ideas.
That’s what’s up with Haskell’s do notation.
We see this flattening a lot, in the space of programming languages.
A classic example is method call syntax, going from foo(bar(baz))
to baz.bar().foo()
which makes it easier to flatten a chain function calls, eliminating nesting along the way.
And in imperative languages, the sequencing of statements with ;
can be seen as a kind of flattening composition in of itself.
Notational tweaks like these, while seemingly simple,
can make it a lot easier to express hard programs,
and thus solve hard problems.
That’s all for today. In a future post, I hope to explore how Koka’s with notation is a variation of Haskell’s do notation specialized for modeling Algebraic Effects using the Free Monad. Until next time!
Thank you to my friend Uzay for reviewing an earlier draft of this post! (It has been sitting on my hard drive for way to long.)